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Create a Template

In Parallels Server Bare Metal, you can create a virtual machine template using the pctl clone utility. Making a template may prove useful if you need to create several virtual machines with the same configuration. In this case, your steps can be as follows:

  1. You create a virtual machine with the required configuration.
  2. You make a template on the basis of the created virtual machine.
  3. You use the template to create as many virtual machines as necessary.

Let us assume that you want to create a template of the My_VM virtual machine. To do this, you can run the following command:

# pctl clone My_VM --name template1 --template

Clone the My_VM VM to VM template template1...

Operation progress 98%

The VM has been successfully cloned.

This command clones the My_VM virtual machine and saves it as the template1 template. After the template has been successfully created, you can use it for creating new virtual machines.