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Updating OS EZ Template Caches

With the release of new updates for the corresponding Linux distribution, the created OS EZ template cache can become obsolete. Parallels Server Bare Metal allows you to quickly update your OS EZ template caches using the vzpkg update cache command.

Note: If you are going to update the cache of a commercial OS EZ template (e.g. Red Hat Enterprise Server 5 or SLES 10), you should first update software packages in the remote repository used to handle this OS EZ template and then proceed with updating the EZ template cache. Detailed information on how to manage repositories for commercial Linux distributions is provided in the Parallels Command Line Reference Guide .

When executed, vzpkg update cache checks the cache directory in the template area (by default, the template area is located in /vz/template ) on the Parallels server and updates all existing tarballs in this directory. However, you can explicitly indicate the tarball for what OS EZ template should be updated by specifying the OS EZ template name. For example, to update the tarball for the fedora-core-8-x86 OS EZ template, you should issue the following command:

# vzpkg update cache fedora-core-8-x86

Loading "rpm2vzrpm" plugin

Setting up Update Process

Setting up repositories

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Upon the vzpkg update cache execution, the old tarball is renamed by receiving the -old suffix (e.g. fedora-core-8-x86.tar.gz-old ):

# ls /vz/template/cache

fedora-core-8-x86.tar.gz fedora-core-8-x86.tar.gz-old

You can also pass the -f option to vzpkg update cache to remove an existing tar archive and create a new one instead of it.

If the vzpkg update cache command does not find a tarball for one or several OS EZ templates installed on the server, it creates tar archives of the corresponding OS EZ templates and puts them to the /vz/template/cache directory.