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Suspending a Virtual Machine and Container

Parallels Server Bare Metal allows you to suspend a running virtual machine and Container on the physical server by saving its current state to a special file. Later on, you can resume the virtual machine and Container and get it in the same state the virtual machine and Container was at the time of its suspending. Suspending your virtual machines and Containers may prove useful, for example, if you need to restart the physical server, but do not want to:

  • quit the applications currently running in the virtual machine and Container
  • spend much time on shutting down the guest operating system and then starting it again

You can use the pctl suspend command to save the current state of a virtual machine and Container. For example, you can issue the following command to suspend the MyVM virtual machine:

# pctl suspend MyVM

Suspending the VM...

The VM has been successfully suspended.

At any time, you can resume the MyVM virtual machine by executing the following command:

# pctl resume MyVM

Resuming the VM...

The VM has been successfully resumed

Once the restoration process is complete, any applications that were running in the MyVM virtual machine at the time of its suspending will be running again and the information content will be the same as it was when the virtual machine was suspended.