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Scheduling Backup Task

To back up certain Containers at a certain time, you can schedule a backup with the parameters to be entered on the New Task: Back Up Containers screen.

In the Task Configuration section, enter the name and the description of the task and indicate if the task is enabled. If you are just drafting a possible task, clear the Enabled checkbox.

In the First Run (or Next Run) section, specify:

In the Recurrence Pattern section, you may set the task to be performed once, or on a daily or weekly basis by selecting the corresponding radio button:

The End Date section is displayed only if the task is to be launched more than once. In this section choose if the task will be:

The Containers the task is addressed to can be selected in the Back up Containers section. Click the Add Containers button and select the Containers you want to perform the task on from the pop-up window. To take a Container out of the list, select it and click the Remove Selected button.

In the Backup Options section, define the level of compression and the type of the backup:

The Exclude section allows you to keep certain files and directories from backing up:

The Include section allows you to limit the backup process with a number of selected files or directories inside the Container. In the field provided, type the absolute path to the file or directory you wish to back up. To include additional files or directories, click the plus icon to the right of an existing path and enter a new path.

The backup will contain only those files and directories that you have indicated in the Include section. To back up the whole Container, leave the Include section empty.

To save the task configuration, click Save, otherwise click Cancel.

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