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Changing Disk Quota for Multiple Containers

You can specify a new disk quota for a bunch of your Containers at once on the Configure: Set Container Disk Limits page.

The Containers Disk Usage Current Statistics table lets you take in the current disk quota and usage for all the selected Containers at a single glance.

In the Change Containers Disk Quota group there are three major options to set a defined disk quota for the Containers:

To further tune the disk usage, set the inodes limit you think is reasonable for the total number of files you have or are going to have on each Container disk. In the Change Containers Disk Inodes Limit group you can:

Just enter the desired number into the corresponding field, choose the proper units of measurements and click Submit.

Note: When performing the operation, bear in mind that the disk quota for a Container cannot be less than the size of the disk space already occupied by this Container (you can learn it from the Resources table on the Summary tab).

The two remaining options in both groups speak for themselves - select Set unlimited Disk Quota/Inodes to remove any disk space/inodes restrictions for the selected Containers, or select Do not change Disk Quota/Inodes Limit to leave the current disk space restrictions intact.

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