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Working With Container Files and Folders

For a running Container, you can navigate inside the Container directory structure, list the Container files and directories and perform all essential file operations on the File Manager page. (Windows Right after opening this screen, you are presented with a list of drives inside the Container. Click on a drive (e.g. C:) to see its contents.) The main information on the directory/drive contents is presented in the form of a table. The first table column indicates if the object is a directory or a file. The remaining columns mean the following:

Column Name



The name of the directory or file.


The size of the file.


The date and time of the last modification of the directory or file.

Linux Permissions

The first symbol in this column indicates if this is a directory (the letter d) or not (the minus sign). The following three symbols designate the permissions that the owner of the directory/file has on it, then go another three symbols for the permissions of the users belonging to the group assigned to the directory/file, and the final set of three symbols denotes the permissions of all the rest. The symbols in each of the set express consecutively the following permissions: read, write, and execute. The presence of a letter (correspondingly, r, w, or x) indicates that the permission is given, and the minus sign - that it is absent.

Linux User

The owner of the file/directory.

Linux Group

The users' group that has certain permissions on the file/folder. These permissions are presented by the 5th thru 7th symbols in the Permissions column.


Hyperlinks for performing certain operations with the directory or file (see below).

Linux Note: If the Container is being repaired, the file manager root directory (/) corresponds to the /repair directory of the temporary Container, in other words, it represents the root directory of the problem Container, not that of the newly-created one.

Apart from viewing a list of files and directories with their essential properties, you are able to perform the following operations:

To perform a certain operation (e.g. copying) on a number of directories or files, tick the corresponding checkboxes. The uppermost checkbox allows you to select all the directories and files at once.

In This Section

Creating Folder

Creating Text File

Editing Text File

Uploading File To Container

Copying Files and Folders Inside Container

Moving Files and Folders Inside Container

Editing File or Folder Properties

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