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Cloning Container

You can create a complete copy of a particular Container (in respect of all the Container data and resource parameters), or a Container clone. This is a good means to save your time since you do not bother about setting the Container configuration parameters and the like. Moreover, you can create a number of Container clones at a sitting by opening the Containers page, selecting the ones to be cloned and clicking the Clone link.

The option is available on the Clone Container page which enables you to define the name, hostname, password, offline management, and set the advanced settings for the Container being created.

The General Settings section enables you to:

The Network Settings section lets you:

In the New Password section, you can set a new password for the Container clone. In this case you provide the password in the Administrative password field and confirm it in the field below. You can leave the field blank though to use the password from the cloned Container. The password is needed to access the Container in the future, for example, through Parallels Power Panel.

The Advanced Settings section lets you:

The Offline Management group allows you to set the offline management options by selecting the appropriate radio button. Offline management of the corresponding Container ensures the Container manageability by means of one or more offline services from any browser at its own IP address. After offline management is enabled for the Container, one port of its IP address becomes permanently active whatever the Container state. The currently supported services are vzpp and plesk (for managing Containers with the Plesk control panel installed in them). You can:

By default, the Offline Management radio button is set to the option used by the Container being cloned. You can change it to use another offline management mode for the new Container.

Note: The rest of the Container general settings are copied from the cloned Container by default.

Click Clone to initiate the creation of the Container clone or Customize to set up the remaining network settings of the new Container.

In This Section

Setting Network Parameters for Container Clone

Cloning Multiple Containers

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