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Client computer (or client ). A computer from where you access a Parallels Cloud Storage cluster and run Parallels virtual machines and Containers.

Chunk replicas (or replicas ). Copies of data chunks stored on different chunk servers in a Parallels Cloud Storage cluster.

Chunk server . A computer storing the contents of real data, such as virtual machine and Container disk images, in the form of fixed-size chunks and providing access to these data chunks.

Data chunk (or chunk ). A fixed-size (e.g., 64 MB) piece of data residing in a Parallels Cloud Storage cluster. For example, each Parallels virtual machine or Container disk image is split into such chunks, and the chunks are distributed across servers in the cluster.

Master metadata server (or master MDS server ). The central MDS server responsible for monitoring all cluster activity and keeping all metadata current, along with acting as a regular MDS server. Any MDS server can become the master one if the current master MDS server fails.

Parallels Cloud Storage cluster . A set of computers in a network where Parallels Cloud Storage is deployed.

Replication . The process of storing data chunks on multiple storage devices to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility of Parallels virtual machines and Containers.

Regular metadata server (or regular metadata server or MDS server ). A computer storing metadata about Parallels Cloud Storage chunks, their replicas and locations. Regular MDS servers periodically communicate with the master MDS server to get metadata updates.