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Standard Kickstart Options

Your kickstart file may include any of the standard Linux options used in kickstart files for installing Linux operating systems. For the full list of these options and their explanations, consult the respective Linux documentation (e.g., the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide ).

Listed below are the mandatory options and commands that you must include in each kickstart file:




Specifies authentication options for the Parallels physical server.


Specifies the way of installing the bootloader.


Tells the system to install Parallels Cloud Server either from nfs or url (for FTP and HTTP installations, respectively).

Specify this option to perform a clean installation of Parallels Cloud Server.


Sets the system keyboard type.


Sets the language to use during installation and the default language to use on the installed system.


Creates partitions on the server.


Sets the system's root password.


Sets the system time zone.


Cleans all partition tables on disk drives.

Note: This option should follow clearpart --all .


1. You can specify the cmdline option to install Parallels Cloud Server in a completely non-interactive command-line mode, without starting the X Window System.

2. When installing Parallels Cloud Server with Parallels Cloud Storage, you can use the autopart option to create the default partition layout and the default configuration for chunk servers and clients. To make a custom layout and configuration, use the part option and create the required partitions. You will then need to use the pstorage command to configure the partitions for chunk serves and clients. See Parallels Cloud Server Kickstart Options for details.

Kickstart options for upgrading to Parallels Cloud Server 6.0

When creating a kickstart file to use for upgrading existing installations of Parallels Server Bare Metal to Parallels Cloud Server 6.0, use the following options:

  • bootloader
  • keyboard
  • lang
  • timezone

You must also specify the upgrade option instead of install to tell the installer to upgrade the system rather than to perform a fresh installation of Parallels Cloud Server 6.0.