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Kickstart File Example

Below is an example of a kickstart file that you can use to install and configure Parallels Cloud Server in unattended mode. You can use this file as the basis for creating your own kickstart files.

# Install Parallels Cloud Server


# Uncomment the line below to install Parallels Cloud Server in a completely unattended mode

# cmdline

# Use the path of to get the installation files.

url --url

# Use English as the language during the installation and as the default system language.

lang en_US.UTF-8

# Use the English keyboard type.

keyboard us

# Uncomment the line below to remove all partitions from the SDA hard drive and create these partitions: /boot, /, /vz, and swap.

# clearpart --drives=sda --all --initlabel

# zerombr

part /boot --fstype=ext4 --size=512

part / --fstype=ext4 --size=20096

part /vz --fstype=ext4 --size=40768 --grow

part swap --size=4000

# Use a DHCP server to obtain network configuration.

network --bootproto dhcp

# Set the root password for the server.

rootpw xxxxxxxxx

# Use the SHA-512 encryption for user passwords and enable shadow passwords.

auth --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512

# Set the system time zone to America/New York and the hardware clock to UTC.

timezone --utc America/New_York

# Set sda as the first drive in the BIOS boot order and write the boot record to mbr.

bootloader --location=mbr

# Tell the Parallels Cloud Server installer to reboot the system after installation.


# Install the Parallels Cloud Server license on the server.


# Create the virt_network1 Virtual Network on the server and associate it with the network adapter eth0.

vznetcfg --net=virt_network1:eth0

# Configure the ip_tables ipt_REJECT ipt_tos ipt_limit modules to be loaded in Containers.

# Use the to handle Fedora OS and application templates.

vztturlmap $FC_SERVER

# Install the listed EZ templates. Cache all OS templates after installation. Skip the installation of pre-created templates.


%eztemplates --cache


centos-6 -x86

mailman- centos-6 -x86_64

mailman- centos-6 -x86

# Install the packages for Parallels Cloud Server on the server.






Kickstart file example for installing on EFI-based systems

You can use the file above to install Parallels Cloud Server on BIOS-based systems. For installation on EFI-based systems, you need to modify the following places in the file (the changes are highlighted in bold):

# The following 4 commands are used to remove all partitions from the SDA hard drive and create these partitions: /boot/efi (required for EFI-based systems), /boot, /, /vz, and swap.

# clearpart --drives=sda --all --initlabel

part /boot/efi --fstype=efi --grow --maxsize=200 --size=20

part /boot --fstype=ext4 --size=512

part / --fstype=ext4 --size=20096

part /vz --fstype=ext4 --size=40768 --grow

part swap --size=4000

# Configure the bootloader.

bootloader --location=partition

Kickstart file example for upgrading to Parallels Cloud Server 6.0

Below is an example of a kickstart file you can use to upgrade your system to Parallels Cloud Server 6.0.

# Upgrade to Parallels Cloud Server rather than perform a fresh installation.


# Use the path of to get the installation files.

url --url

# Use English as the language during the upgrade and as the default system language.

lang en_US.UTF-8

# Use the English keyboard type.

keyboard us

# Set the system time zone to America/New York and the hardware clock to UTC.

timezone --utc America/New_York

# Upgrade the bootloader configuration.

bootloader --upgrade