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General Syntax

The prlctl utility is used to perform administration tasks on virtual machines. The utility supports a full range of tasks from creating and administering virtual machines to getting statistics and generating problem reports.


prlctl <command> <vm_ID|vm_name> [ options ] [ -v , --verbose <number> ] [ --timeout <sec> ]

[ -l , --login [ user [: passwd ] @ ] server [ -p , --read-passwd <file> ]]





The name of the command to execute.


The ID or name of the virtual machine to perform the operation on. To obtain the list of the available virtual machines, use the prlctl list command.


Command options. See individual commands for available options.

-v, --verbose <number>

Enables verbose output. The greater the <number> , the higher is the verbosity.

-l, --login [ user [ : passwd ] @ ] server ]

Connect to a remote Parallels server server with the specified credentials. If this flag is omitted, the prlctl command is assumed to be run locally.

-p, --read-passwd <file>

Use the password from the file <file> to log in to a remote Parallels server, other credentials being specified with the --login option.

The --read-passwd option can be specified multiple times in order to form a password stack for operations requiring multiple passwords.

Each password must be supplied in a separate file.


To display help, enter prlctl without any options.