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net set

Configures the settings of an existing virtual network.


prlsrvctl net set <vnetwork_ID> [ -i , --ifname <if> ] [ -m , --mac <mac_address> ]

[ -t , --type < bridged | host-only > ]

[ -d , --description <desc> ]

[ -n , --name <new_name> ]





The name of the virtual network to modify.

-i,--ifname <if>

The name of a physical network adapter on the Parallels server to which this virtual network should be bound.

-m,--mac <mac_address>

The MAC address of a virtual network adapter on the Parallels server to which this virtual network should be bound.

-t,--type <bridged | host-only>

The type of the virtual network to create. Possible values are:

  • bridged . A virtual machine and Container connected to this type of virtual network appears as an independent computer on the network.
  • host_only . A virtual machine and Container connected to this type of virtual network can access only the Parallels server and the virtual machines and Containers connected to the same virtual network.

-d,--description <desc>

A user-defined description of the virtual network.

Descriptions with white spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.

-n, --name <new_name>

A new name for the virtual network. Use this parameter if you would like to rename the virtual network.