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The vzcreaterepo utility is used to set up repositories for RHEL-like distributions, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.


vzcreaterepo [ options ] [ mount_points ]





Path to the directory with Linux distribution files. If omitted, vzcreaterepo searches for files in the /media/cdrom directory.

-d, --dir <repo_path>

Path to the directory for setting up the repository. If omitted, the repository is created in the /vz/template/repos directory.

-t, --template <template>

Name of the template for which to create the repository (e.g., redhat-el5-x86_64 ).

-m, --mirror

Creates a Container and configures it to act as an HTTP mirror for servers in your network. Requires the -v , -n , --nameserver , and --ip parameters to be specified.

-q, --quiet

Disables logging to the screen.

-u, --update

Creates a repository with updates. At the moment, this parameter is valid for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 only.

-i, --iso <path1> [ , path2 ...]

Path to the an ISO image containing Linux distribution files. You can specify several images and separate them by commas.

-a, --cache

Caches the template after setting up the repository.

-p, --proxy http:// <IP_or_hostname> : <port>

Hostname or the IP address and the port number of the HTTP proxy server, if you use any to connect to the Internet.

--proxy_user <proxy_user>

User name used by the HTTP proxy server for your authentication.

--proxy_pass <proxy_passwd>

Password of the user specified in the --proxy_user parameter and used for your authentication by the HTTP proxy server.

-e, --email <email>

Email address for registering in the Red Hat Network. This is the email address you specified when creating an account in the Red Hat Network.

--systemname <system_name>

Name of your system to use for retrieving packages in the Red Hat Network. If omitted, the name updates is used.

-r, --repotemplate <repo_template>

OS template to use for creating the Container that will act as an HTTP mirror. If omitted, the centos-5-x86_64 template is used.

-v, --ctid <CT_ID>

ID to assign to the Container.

-n, --hostname <hostname>

Hostname to assign to the Container.

--nameserver <nameserver>

Nameserver to set for the Container.

--ip <IP_address>

IP address to assign to the Container.

Note: The current version of vzcreaterepo does not support creating repositories for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and all versions of openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.