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vzpkg update appcache

This command updates an existing OS EZ template cache with preinstalled application templates if the --update-cache option is provided. Otherwise, the cache is created anew.


vzpkg update appcache --config <config> [ options ]




--config <config>

Specifies the configuration file with the information on what OS and application templates to use.

--ostemplate <OS_template>

Specifies the OS EZ template, cache of which needs to be recreated or updated. This option redefines the OS EZ template specified in the configuration file.

--apptemplate <app_template>

Specifies all application EZ templates (comma-separated) preinstalled in the cache which needs to be updated. This option redefines the application EZ templates specified in the configuration file.


Instructs the command to check for updates for the existing OS and application cache. Otherwise, the cache is created anew.

-d, --debug <num>

Sets the debugging level (0 to 10), 10 being the highest.

-q, --quiet

Disables logging to screen and log file.

-f, --force

Forces cache creation.