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This utility is used to convert third-party virtual disks to Parallels virtual machines and disks. The following third-party disks are supported:

  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • Microsoft Virtual PC
  • Virtual Box
  • VMware


prl_convert <src> [ options ]

prl_convert <src> --estimate

If the disk is a data disk, prl_convert converts it to a Parallels virtual disk. If a disk is a system disk, prl_convert converts it to a Parallels virtual machine. If the utility cannot create a virtual machine for the disk (for example, it fails to detect the operating system on the disk), the disk is converted to a Parallels virtual disk.




--dst= <path>

Set the destination directory. If omitted, the default directory ( /var/parallels ) is used.

-r, --reg=<y | n>

Register the resulting virtual machine on the Parallels server. By default, the virtual machine is registered.

--os-files= <path>

Set the path to the operating system installation files. These files may be needed when reconfiguring the resulting virtual machine or disk.

--vbox-home= <path>

Specify the path to the directory storing virtual machine configuration files. This option should be used only when converting VirtualBox virtual machines.


Show error codes instead of text messages.


Convert data disks or disks whose operating system cannot be detected.


Skip the reconfiguration step when converting a virtual disk.


Do not check the source virtual disk state. Use this option with caution because disks of virtual machines that were running before the conversion may be in an inconsistent state after conversion.


Estimate the disk size required for conversion, but do not perform the conversion.

-h, --help

Display the utility usage information.