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Hard Disk Drive Management Options

This group of options is used to add and configure virtual hard disks in a virtual machine. The first syntax uses a file to emulate a hard disk drive. The second syntax connects a physical hard disk on the host server to the virtual machine.


prlctl set <vm_ID|vm_name> { --device-add hdd | --device-set hdd <N> }

[ --image <file> ] [ --type < expanded | plain >] [ --size <size> ] [ --split ]

[ --iface < sata | ide | scsi >] [ --position <pos> ]

[ --subtype < buslogic | lsi-spi | lsi-sas >] [ --enable | --disable ]

prlctl set <vm_ID|vm_name> --device-add hdd --device <dev_name> [ --position <pos> ]

[ --iface < sata | ide | scsi >] [ --subtype < buslogic | lsi-spi | lsi-sas >]

prlctl set <vm_ID|vm_name> --backup-add <backup_ID> [ --disk <disk_name> ]

[ --iface < sata | ide | scsi >] [ --position <pos> ] [ --subtype < buslogic | lsi-spi | lsi-sas >]

prlctl set <vm_ID|vm_name> --backup-del <backup_ID>| all





The virtual machine ID or name.

--device-add hdd

Adds a virtual hard disk drive to the virtual machine.

You can connect up to four SATA/IDE devices and up to seven SCSI devices to a virtual machine. This includes hard disks and optical disk drives.

New hard disks are created in the virtual machine directory and are automatically named harddisk <N> .hdd , where <N> is the next available disk index.

--device-set hdd <N>

Modifies the parameters of an existing virtual hard disk.

Virtual hard disks are named using the hdd <N> format where <N> is the drive index number starting from 0 (e.g., hdd0 , hdd1 ). To obtain the list of disk names, use the prlctl list command with the --info option.

--image <file>

Specifies an image file that will be used to emulate the virtual disk.

  • If the specified image does not exist, it is created and used to emulate the virtual hard disk.
  • If the specified image exists, it is used to emulate the virtual hard disk.

--device <dev_name>

This option is used to connect a physical hard disk on the Parallels server to the virtual machine. You can obtain the names of the existing hard disks on the server using the prlsrvctl info command.

--type < expanded | plain >

Sets the disk type for image file based virtual hard disks:

  • expanded — expanding disk. The image file is small initially and grows in size as you add data to it. This is the default virtual disk type.
  • plain — plain disk. The image file has a fixed size from the moment it is created (the space is allocated to the drive fully). Plain disks perform faster than expanding disks.

--size <size>

The size of the virtual hard disk, in megabytes. The default size is 65536 MB.


Splits the hard disk image file into 2 GB pieces. You should split a virtual disk if it is stored on a file system that cannot support files larger than 2 GB (e.g., FAT16).


Enables the specified virtual disk drive. All newly added disk drives are enabled by default (provided the --disable option is omitted).


Disables the specified virtual disk drive. The disk drive itself is not removed from the virtual machine configuration.

--backup-add <backup_ID>

Attach the backup with the identifier <backup_ID> to the virtual machine as a virtual hard disk.

To obtain the backup ID, use the prlctl backup-list -f command .

--disk <disk_name>

Used with --backup-add . The name of the disk in the backup to attach. If a disk is not specified, all disks contained in the backup will be attached.

To obtain the disk name(s), use the prlctl backup-list -f command .

--backup-del <backup_ID>| all

Detach either the backup with the identifier <backup_ID> or detach all backups from the virtual machine.

--iface < sata | ide | scsi >

The disk drive Interface type. If omitted, the SATA interface will be used.

--subtype < buslogic | lsi-spi | lsi-sas >

Virtual hard disk subtype.

--position <pos>

The SCSI, SATA or IDE device identifier to be used for the virtual disk. The allowed ID ranges are:

  • IDE devices: 0-3
  • SATA devices: 0-5
  • SCSI device: 0-6