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The pbackup utility is run on the so-called backup server. It connects via SSH to the servers where some or all Containers are to be backed up and puts the tarballs into the directory defined in the /etc/vzbackup.conf global backup configuration file (the default directory is /var/parallels/backups ). Later on, the Container backups may be restored from this directory.


pbackup [ backup_options ] server 1 ... [ CT_options ]

You may specify any number of servers in the command-line by names or IP addresses. You may also enter these names as the value of the BACKUP_NODES parameter in the global backup configuration file to avoid the necessity to specify them in the command-line. In this case, you shall specify the –a option instead.


1. This section describes backup options for Containers. For backup options that can be used with virtual machines, see pbackup .

2. While the following two subsections provide the complete reference on the pbackup and prestore utilities, many of their options can be specified in the /etc/vzbackup.conf configuration file to be used as the default ones.

Backup Options



-F, -I

Create a full backup. A full backup contains all virtual machine data.


Make an incremental backup or, if no full backups are available, a full backup. An incremental backup contains only the file that were changed since the previous full or incremental backup.

--ssh-opts <options>

Options to be passed to ssh . See examples in the global backup configuration file.

These options define the list of Containers to back up:



-e <CT_ID|CT_name> [...]

The Containers to back up on the server. Containers can be specified using both their IDs (e.g., 101 or 102 ) and their names (e.g., comp1 or comp2 ).

If the --vzcache option is specified, not the Containers themselves, but their caches will be backed up.

-x <CT_ID|CT_name> [...]

The Containers that need not be backed up (Containers to exclude). Containers can be specified using both their IDs (e.g., 101 or 102 ) and their names (e.g., comp1 or comp2 ).

If the --vzcache option is specified, not the Containers themselves, but their caches will be excluded from backing up.

It is sufficient to specify only one Container option: either –e , or –x ; or to do without any Container options if all the Containers from the specified server(s) are to be backed up.

Container-specific Backup Options

These options must be used with the vzctl command instead of prlctl .






Compress the resulting Container backups with gzip ( -Cg ), bzip2 ( -Cb ) or do not use compression ( -Cn ). This option overrides the BACKUP_COMPRESS parameter in the backup configuration file.


Back up all servers specified in the global backup configuration file.

-c <config>

Use an alternative backup configuration file.


The Containers are to be stopped before their backing up. In this case, if a client tries to access the Containers during their downtime, a temporary "busy" page is shown. This option takes precedence of the BACKUP_VESTOP parameter in the backup configuration file.


The Containers are NOT to be stopped before their backing up. This option takes precedence of the BACKUP_VESTOP parameter in the backup configuration file.


Apply time and load restriction rules for periodic backups. These rules are defined by the BACKUP_KEEP_MAX and BACKUP_LOADAVG_MAX parameters in the backup configuration file ( /etc/vzbackup.conf ). Without this option, these parameters do not take effect. This option is useful if you invoke pbackup in unattended mode as a cron job. It overrides the CRON_BACKUP parameter in the global backup configuration file.

--desc <desc>

The description of the backup archive.

Descriptions with white spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.


Is opposite to the -p switch. Turns off the periodic backup mode and disregards the BACKUP_KEEP_MAX and BACKUP_LOADAVG_MAX parameters in the backup configuration file ( /etc/vzbackup.conf ). It overrides the CRON_BACKUP parameter in the global backup configuration file.


Make use of the BACKUP_FINISH_TIME and BACKUP_LIMIT_TIME in the backup configuration file ( /etc/vzbackup.conf ).

--rm-tag <tag>

Create a backup and then remove the backup with the specified tag. You can learn the tags of the existing backups on the server by using, for example, the prestore -l command.


Create a backup and then remove the oldest backup of the specified server/Container(s).


Back up not the Containers themselves, but the cache area of the server ( /vz/template/vzcaches ).