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vzpkg remove

This command is used to remove an application EZ template, YUM software group, or a software package from a Container.


vzpkg remove [ options ] <CT_ID | CT_name> <object> [...]

This command will remove <object> from the Container with the ID of <CT_ID> or with the name of <CT_name> . The <object> can be an application EZ template, a YUM software group, or a software package installed with the vzpkg install command. You may specify a number of objects for removing.




-p, --package

Removes the specified package(s) from the Container.

-g, --groups

Removes the specified YUM software group from the Container.

The -g option works only for Containers running RPM-based Linux distributions.

-w, --with-depends

Removes also the packages having dependencies with the object specified.

-f, --force

Forces the EZ template/package deletion.

-n, --check-only

Simulates the same operations as vzpkg remove completes without specifying this option (handles interdependencies of the packages to be removed from the server, etc.); however, the packages themselves are not deleted from the specified Container(s).

-d, --debug <num>

Sets the debugging level to one of the specified values (from 0 to 10). 10 is the highest debug level and 0 sets the debug level to its minimal value.

-q, --quiet

Disables logging to the screen and to the log file.

By default, the specified object is treated by vzpkg remove as an application EZ template. However, you can use the -p or -g option to explicitly specify the type of the object.

Note: A Container has to be running in order to remove an application EZ template/package from it.