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vzpkg install

This command is used to install application EZ templates, YUM software groups, or individual software packages into Containers.


vzpkg install [ options ] <CT_ID | CT_name> < object > [...]

The vzpkg install command will add an <o bject > to the specified Container. An object can be an application EZ template, a YUM software group, or a standard software package. You can specify several objects to install into the Container by separating them by spaces.

When executed, vzpkg install automatically handles the interdependencies among the packages to be installed into a Container and ensures that all dependencies are satisfied. If the package dependencies cannot be resolved, the installation process fails and the corresponding message is displayed.




-p, --package

Installs a software package instead of an EZ template.

-g, --groups

Installs a YUM software group instead of an EZ template.

The -g option works only for Containers running RPM-based Linux distributions.

-f, --force

Forces the EZ template/package installation.

-C, --cache

Makes the vzpkg install command look for the packages included in the EZ template in the local vzpkg cache only. If there is a package not available locally, the command will fail.

You can omit this parameter if the elapsed time from the last vzpkg cache update does not exceed the value of the METADATA_EXPIRE parameter specified in the /etc/vztt/vztt.conf file.

-r, --remote

If the elapsed time from the last vzpkg cache update does not exceed the value of the METADATA_EXPIRE parameter specified in the /etc/vztt/vztt.conf file, you should use this option to make vzpkg install look for the packages in the remote repositories set for handling the corresponding EZ template.

-n, --check-only

Simulates the same operations as vzpkg install completes without specifying this option (downloads the software packages to the server, handles the package interdependencies, etc.); however, the packages themselves are not installed in the specified the Container.

-d, --debug <num>

Sets the debugging level to one of the specified values (from 0 to 10). 10 is the highest debug level and 0 sets the debug level to its minimal value.

-q, --quiet

Disables logging to the screen and to the log file.

By default, the specified object is treated by vzpkg install as an application EZ template. However, you can use the -p or -g option to explicitly specify the type of the object.

Note: A Container has to be running in order to apply an application EZ template to or install a package inside this Container.