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Use Linux in Coherence Mode

You can set Linux and Mac OS X to work seamlessly together, as if they were part of a single operating system. In this mode, called Coherence mode, Linux programs appear on the Mac desktop next to your Mac applications.

PD7 - Coherence for Linux

To enable the Coherence view mode:

  • Parallels Tools must be installed .
  • Disable Linux 3D effects. The way you can do this depends on your Linux distribution. For example, in Fedora 14 click System > Preferences > Desktop Effects and select Standard . To learn how to disable Linux 3D effects in other Linux OSs, refer to the operating system documentation.

Switch to Coherence Mode

To switch from Window mode to Coherence mode, do one of the following:

  • Choose View > Enter Coherence .
  • Press Control-Command-Return.

To switch from Full Screen mode to Coherence mode, do one of the following:

  • Press Control-Option (Alt), click the View menu and select Exit Full Screen . Then open the View menu and select Enter Coherence .
  • Move the pointer to the upper-left corner of the screen until the corner peels back and click Exit Full Screen . Then choose View > Enter Coherence .


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