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General Tips

This section provides solutions to some errors that may occur during the import process.

Parallels Transporter Agent Doesn't Work Correctly

If you experience any problems while importing, make sure that the snapman.sys driver is installed in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ .

If the snapman.sys driver is not installed, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall Parallels Transporter Agent.
  2. Restart your Windows PC.
  3. Reinstall Parallels Transporter Agent.
  4. Restart your Windows PC again.
  5. Try to import Windows and your data again.

Import is Interrupted by an Error

If the import process is interrupted by an error, do the following:

  1. From the Start menu, choose My Computer .
  2. In the Hard Disk Drives pane, right-click the volume you want to import, and choose Properties .
  3. In the Properties pane, click the Tools tab, and in the Error Checking section, click the Check Now button.
  4. In the Check Disk window, select Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors , and then click Start .
  5. Wait till the disk is scanned and errors are fixed.

Dynamic Volumes are not Imported

Only basic volumes can be imported. You can't import dynamic volumes using Parallels Desktop.

The only way to import the data stored on a dynamic disk is to copy the data to a basic disk on your Mac and then import the basic disk.

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