Parallels C API Reference
Primary Display Capture Functions
Primary Display Capture Legend
Captures a screen area of a remote virtual machine desktop, scales is down to the specified size, and puts it into a buffer.
Captures a screen area of a remote virtual machine desktop, scales is down to the specified size, and saves it to a file on the client machine.
Captures a screen area of a remote virtual machine desktop and saves it to a file on the client machine.
Connects to a virtual machine to begin a remote desktop access session.
Connects to a virtual machine to begin a remote desktop access session.
Closes the virtual machine connection that was previously established using the PrlDevDisplay_ConnectToVm function call.
Returns available displays count of a remote virtual machine desktop.
Gets current encoding of specified Vm.
Determines whether Dynamic Resolution feature is available in the specified virtual machine.
Returns the contents of the screen buffer of the primary display.
Returns the primary display screen size of the specified virtual machine.
Determines if Sliding Mouse feature is enabled in the specified virtual machine.
Locks the primary screen buffer disallowing any updates to the data it contains.
The PrlDevDisplay_NeedCursorData function allows to obtain cursor data from the virtual machine.
Sends a request to capture the specified screen region of the specified virtual machine on a periodic basis.
Sends a request to a virtual machine to adjust the screen resolution of the guest OS to specified values.
Sends a request to a virtual machine to set guest display configuration to specified values.
Sets display encoding for specified Vm.
Sends a request to a virtual machine to set guest DPI display configuration to specified values.
Captures a screen area of a remote virtual machine desktop, scales is down to the specified size, and puts it into a buffer which is then returned to the client.
Captures a screen area of a remote virtual machine desktop, scales is down to the specified size, and saves it to a file on the client machine.
Captures a screen area of a remote virtual machine desktop and saves it to a file on the client machine.
Unlocks the virtual machine screen buffer that was previously locked with the PrlDevDisplay_LockForRead function call.
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