Parallels C API Reference
PHT_SERVER Functions
Offline activation of installed Parallels license.
Online activation of installed Parallels license.
Activation of trial Parallels license.
Adds a new private network to the Parallels Service configuration.
Adds a new virtual network to the Parallels Service configuration.
The PrlSrv_AttachToLostTask function allows to obtain a handle to a running task after the connection to the Parallels Service was lost.
Cancels the appliance installation previously started with the PrlSrv_InstallAppliance function call.
Determines if the Parallels Service on the specified host is running and allows to retrieve its connection information.
The same functionality as previos version of call except follow things:
  • provides asynch interface;
  • using TCP connection instead of UDP.
The PrlSrv_CommonPrefsBeginEdit function is used in modifying Parallels Service preferences (see PHT_DISP_CONFIG ).
The PrlSrv_CommonPrefsCommit function is used in modifying Parallels Service preferences (see PHT_DISP_CONFIG ).
Configures the PCI device assignment.
Copy the specified Containers template to the specified server.
Creates a new handle of type PHT_SERVER.
Creates Desktop Control object.
Creates a bootable ISO-image for unattended Linux installation.
Obtains a new handle of type PHT_VIRTUAL_MACHINE .
Backup an existing virtual machine to backup server.
Deactivate installed Parallels license.
Removes an existing offline service configuration.
Removes an existing virtual network from the Parallels Service configuration.
Disable administrator confirmation mode for the session.
Enable administrator confirmation mode for the session.
Determines if the current user has sufficient rights to create a file or a directory in the specified location on the host.
Creates a directory in the specified location on the host.
Automatically generates a unique name for a new directory.
Retrieves information about the specified file system entry residing on the specified host computer.
Returns a list of root directories on the host computer.
Removes a file system entry from the host computer.
Renames a file system entry on the host.
Obtains a list of handles of type PHT_EVENT containing in its parameters information about all registered host users.
Get backups tree from backup server.
Returns a handle of type PHT_DISP_CONFIG containing the specified Parallels Service preferences information.
Retrieves a list of Containers templates registered with the specified Parallels Service.
Obtains a new handle of type PHT_VIRTUAL_MACHINE .
Get available disk space for path.
Returns currently supported display encodings both by server and client.
Obtains a list of handles of type PHT_IPPRIV_NET containing information about all existing private networks.
Returns an object of type PHT_LICENSE containing the Parallels license information.
Returns an object of type PHT_NET_SERVICE_STATUS containing the Parallels network service status information.
Obtains a list of handles of type PHT_HANDLES_LIST containing the list of handles of type PHT_NETWORK_CLASS .
Obtains the network shaping configuration.
Obtains a list of handles of type PHT_OFFLINE_SERVICE containing information about all existing services.
Allows to receive a packed problem report from the Parallels Service in the event of a virtual machine operation failure.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_EVENT containing the perfomance statistics.
Gets plugin list with plugin info entries.
Allows to receive a problem report from the Parallels Service in the event of a virtual machine operation failure.
The PrlSrv_GetQuestions function allows to synchronously receive questions from a Parallels Service.
Do authentication on proxy server and returns list of registered hosts on this proxy.
Gets restriction info.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_SERVER_INFO containing the host computer information.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_SERVER_CONFIG containing the host configuration information.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_SYSTEM_STATISTICS containing the host resource usage statistics.
Extracts supported guest OSes matrix from remote server (it's more proper way instead of using local synch API in case when client and server interoperate remotely).
Obtains a handle of type PHT_USER_INFO containing information about the specified user.
Obtains a list of handles of type PHT_USER_INFO containing information about all known users.
Obtains a handle of type PHT_USER_PROFILE containing the profile data of the currently logged in user.
Obtains a list of handles of type PHT_VIRTUAL_NETWORK containing information about all existing virtual networks.
Get VM config by given UUID or name.
Retrieves a list of virtual machines registered with the specified Parallels Service.
Retrieves a list of virtual machines registered with the specified Parallels Service.
Determines having restriction.
Sends an appliance configuration to the Parallels Service in order to install the corresponding appliance from Parallels download service.
Determines confirmation mode for the session
Determines if the connection to the specified Parallels Service is active.
Checks whether specified feature supported by remote side.
Determines if the session is noninteractive or interactive.
Determines if the connection to the specified Parallels Service is a proxy connection.
Performs a remote login operation using the specified parameters.
Allows to log in to the local Parallels Service (the Parallels Service running on this host) using the current user credentials.
Logs off the Parallels Service.
Searches the network for running Parallels Services and returns a handle of type PHT_SERVER_INFO for every Parallels Service that it finds.
Restarts the Parallels network service.
Restores the default settings of the Parallels network service.
Starts the Parallels network service.
Stops the Parallels network service.
Performs a remote proxy login operation using the specified parameters.
Refreshes states of installed parallels plugins.
Update server info
Registers an event handler.
Registers an existing 3rd party virtual machine with Parallels Service.
Registers an existing virtual machine with Parallels Service.
Registers an existing virtual machine with Parallels Service.
Registers an existing virtual machine with custom Vm UUID.
Removes the specified Containers template.
Removes an existing private network from the Parallels Service configuration.
Remove backup of the virtual machine from backup server.
Restore backup of the virtual machine from backup server.
Performs a remote login operation using the specified parameters.
Performs a remote proxy login operation using the specified parameters.
Sends an answer to the Parallels Service in response to a question.
Requests a server to send a problem report with possibility to append also the problem report assemblied at the client's side.
Sets the revocation date time for SSL certificates, used in trusted channel connection.
Sets the current trusted time, that will be used for SSL certificate check.
Sets the session in noninteractive or interactive mode.
Set VNC encryption.
Shuts down the Parallels Service.
Searches for unregistered virtual machines at the specified location(s).
Stops the appliance installation previously started with the PrlSrv_InstallAppliance function call.
Allows to subscribe to receive host OS statistics on a periodic basis.
Allows to subscribe to periodically receive perfomance statistics.
Unregisters the specified event handler (callback function) that was previously registered with the PrlSrv_RegEventHandler function.
Cancels the Parallels Service statistics subscription that was started using the PrlSrv_SubscribeToHostStatistics function.
Cancels the Parallels Service perfomace statistics subscription that was started using the PrlSrv_SubscribeToPerfStats function.
Updates parameters of an existing private network.
Installs Parallels license on the specified Parallels Service.
Update network class classes configuration.
Update the network shaping configuration.
Add/Updates parameters of an offline management service.
Updates parameters of opened session.
Updates parameters of an existing virtual network.
Timestamps the beginning of the user profile editing operation.
Saves (commits) user profile changes to the Parallels Service.
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