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Deploying with Parallels Mac Management for SCCM 2012

Parallels Mac Management for Microsoft SCCM 2012 provides facilities to deploy Parallels Desktop on Mac computers from the Configuration Manager console. The deployment is done through the SCCM Software Distribution feature. To use this functionality, you need Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 fully deployed and operational and the Parallels Mac Management software installed and running. For the complete information about Parallels Mac Management for SCCM, please read the administrator's guide that came with it.

The basic steps involved in deploying Parallels Desktop are:

  1. Prepare the Parallels Desktop deployment package. We've described this step earlier in this guide.
  2. Create a software distribution package using the Configuration Manager console.
  3. Send the package to a distribution point.
  4. Deploy the package.

The following describes steps 2-4 in detail.

Creating a Software Distribution Package

The Parallels Desktop deployment package is distributed to Macs using the standard Configuration Manager functionality:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to Administration / Overview / Application Management / Packages .
  2. On the toolbar, click Create Package .
  3. Use the Create Package and Program Wizard to create a software distribution package and a program.
  4. On the Package page, specify the package name, description, and other information. Select the This package contains source files option and then click the Browse button. Browse for and select the Parallels Desktop Autodeploy.pkg folder. When done, click Next .
  5. On the Program Type page, select the Standard program item and click Next .
  6. On the Standard Program page, specify the information about the program. Type the following in the Command line field:

    chmod 700 "Parallels Desktop Autodeploy.pkg/Contents/Resources/postflight" && installer -pkg "Parallels Desktop Autodeploy.pkg" -target /

  7. When done specifying the program information, click Next .
  8. Click Next on the Requirements page.
  9. Review the summary and click Next to create the package.

Sending the Package to a Distribution Point

To send a copy of the package to a distribution point, right-click the package of interest and click Distribute Content in the pop-up menu. Use the Distribute Content Wizard to specify a distribution point to which you want to send the package.

Please make sure that the distribution point is properly configured. For more information, see the Parallels Mac Management Administrator's Guide.

Deploying Parallels Desktop

To deploy Parallels Desktop:

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, right-click the package and then click Deploy in the pop-up menu. The Deploy Software Wizard opens.
  2. On the General page, click the Browse button next to the Collection field and select the collection containing your Macs (e.g. All Mac OS X Systems ). Click OK and then click Next.
  3. On the Content page, verify the distribution point info and click Next .
  4. Click Next on the Deployment Settings page.
  5. On the Scheduling page, specify the schedule for this deployment. Click New to specify the assignment schedule. When done, click Next .
  6. Use the default values on the rest of the wizard pages and complete the wizard.

The package will be advertised to Macs in the specified collection and will be distributed to them according to the specified schedule.