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prlctl list

Obtains a list of virtual machines on the host computer. The command allows to obtain a summary list containing only the virtual machine ID, name, and status, or to obtain a detailed information about a specific or all virtual machines.


prlctl list [ --all ] [ --template ] [ --no-header ]

[ -o, --output name [, name ...]] [ -s , --sort name | -name ]

prlctl list --info [ ID | name ]




-a, --all

List all, running, stopped, suspended, and paused virtual machines. If this and the rest of the parameters are omitted, only the running virtual machines will be displayed.

-t, --template

List the available virtual machine templates. The real virtual machines will not be included in the output.


Do not display column headers.

-o, --output name

Display one (or any combination) of the following fields:

  • uuid -- Virtual machine ID.
  • name -- Virtual machine name.
  • status --Virtual machine status (running, stopped, etc.).

The above fields can be combined in a single command using comma separator (e.g. uuid, name ). The excluded fields will not be displayed. The field names must be typed in lower case.

-s, --sort name

Sort the virtual machine list by the specified parameter in ascending order.

-i, --info

Display detailed information about a virtual machine.


The ID of the virtual machine for which to display the detailed information. If not specified, the information will be displayed for all registered virtual machines.


The name of the virtual machine for which to display the detailed information. If not specified, the information will be displayed for all registered virtual machines.


General Syntax