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prlctl clone

Creates an exact copy of the specified virtual machine.


prlctl clone ID | name --name new_name [ --template ] [ --dst path ] [-- changesid ]

[-- linked ] [-- detach-external-hdd yes | no ]





ID of the virtual machine to clone


Name of the virtual machine to clone.

--name new_name

Name to be assigned to the new virtual machine.


Create a virtual machine template instead of a real virtual machine. Templates are used as a basis for creating new virtual machines.

--dst path

Name and path of the new virtual machine directory. If this parameter is omitted, the new virtual machine will be created in the default directory.


Generate a new Windows security identifier (SID) for a Windows-based virtual machine. For this parameter to work, Parallels Tools must be installed in the virtual machine.


Create a linked virtual machine.

--detach-external-hdd yes|no

If set to no , hard disks located outside a source virtual machine are not removed from the configuration of the resulting clone. Setting the parameter to yes removes outside hard disks from the configuration.

Note : Outside hard disks are not copied to the cloned virtual machine.


General Syntax